Hydrogen Inhalation

A new and innovative approach for the prevention and treatment of various diseases

Molecular Hydrogen, is a natural, odorless medical gas.  It is gaining significant attention from academic researchers, medical doctors, and physicians around the world for its reported therapeutic potential. Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe with novel, selective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that rival those of currently available prescription drugs.

Health Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Anti-Diabetes
  • Anti-Tumor
  • Anti-Aging
  • Anti-Allergy
  • Anti-Obesity
  • Promotes cognitive function

Molecular Hydrogen holds amazing benefits for professional sportsmen and women!

  • Increases peak power output
  • Decreases lactic acid levels
  • Supports mitochondrial ATP protection
  • Speeds up recovery and healing
  • Prevents early fatigue
  • Helps prevent soft tissue injuries
  • Helps lower excessive oxidative stress

Conditions that may see improvement with Hydrogen Inhalation

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Lung disease
  • Acute respiratory infection
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Brain injury
  • Neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's)
  • Skin conditions
  • Vision problems
  • Obesity
  • and many more!


The FDA and the scientific publications validate that H2 is 100% safe, has no side-effects whatsoever and cannot be overdosed.H2 is not a foreign substance and it is natural to the human body. During our best years, our gut bacteria is able to produce litres of H2 after a fibre rich meal. As we get older, this process slows down. This decline is linked to the aging process and the development of over 90% of all diseases as well as progression of diseases.

What does Hydrogen Inhalation entail?

A hydrogen inhalation session is usually an hour long.  Depending on the condition being treated you may have a session every day for a couple of days or once every couple of days.
A nasal cannula or facial mask, just like the ones used for oxygen therapy is used to deliver the hydrogen gas.

Contact 082 771 2638 to enquire and book.